Four major marine exhaust hood cleaning tips

A clean and grease-free marine exhaust system is a subject of safety and hygiene. The fire protection agencies have set fire safety standards for the kitchen exhaust systems at commercial places, including marines. Conducting exhaust hood cleaning is a broad activity that requires enormous effort and sophisticated equipment to get done. Generally, professional exhaust hood cleaning is recommended for enhanced cleaning. But if you are keen to conduct marine exhaust hood cleaning , we have shared some important exhaust system cleaning tips. Remove fitters from the hood- The first step is to remove filters so that you can get access to the ductwork. Filters will be removed either by sliding or pushing. If the heavy grease is built-up, then they may jam. In that case, you will have to put more effort into removing them. To remove stubborn grease and airborne particles, submerge the filters into the hot water. Ensure you have added dish soap and baking soda in ...